Perkins Grant Funding
Students enrolled in technical programs of study in the School of Business and Industry as well as the School of Health Sciences may qualify for Perkins grant funding. The funding is designed to support students while earning valuable, workforce credentials. These funds are available year-around, and will help students in special circumstances complete a workforce credential or degree. The Perkins Grant provides aid to eligible students for books and supplies, transportation, childcare, and testing fees. Perkins does not pay for tuition or dual credit students. Eligible students will be selected in a random lottery. Eligibility is based on students' program and Unique or Special Circumstances.
Perkins grants were created and the funds are designed for students who may have one or more of the following special circumstances:
- Students with disabilities
- Students from economically disadvantaged families, including low-income youth and adults. The following guidelines are used to determine whether an student is economically disadvantaged:
- annual income at or below the federal poverty line
- eligibility for Aid to Families with Dependent Children or other public assistance programs (includes WIC program participants)
- receipt of a state funded award or scholarship
- participation or eligible for JTPA programs included under Title II
- eligible for benefits under the Food Stamp Act of 1977 or the Health and Humans Services (HHS) Poverty Guidelines
- Students preparing for occupation in non traditional fields
- Single parents, including single pregnant women
- Out-of-workforce students
- Homeless students
- Youth who are in, or have aged out of, the foster care system
- Youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces and is on active duty
- Students with other barriers to educational achievement, including students with limited English proficiency
Available Grants & Vouchers Click HERE to apply for Perkins Vouchers Childcare If eligible, you could have some or all your childcare expenses reimbursed via a Perkins grant. Textbooks, Supplies, Equipment, Uniforms, Tools If eligible, you could have some or all of the textbooks, supplies, equipment, uniforms, and/or tools needed for your program reimbursed via a Perkins grant. Testing If eligible, you could have some or all of your testing expenses reimbursed via a Perkins Grant. Transportation If eligible, you could have some or all of the transportation expenses associated with travel to and from the campus or your clinical/internship site reimbursed via a Perkins Grant. Awards are subject to funding availability. If you think you may be eligible for a Perkins grant, please email to learn more.